Tessel ten Zweege
January 15-28

Tessel ten Zweege (1998) is an activist, author and program maker from Utrecht (The Netherlands). She holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Master of Research in Gender Studies. In 2022 she made her publishing debut with "Dat Zou Jij Nooit Toelaten", a feminist non-fiction book about gender-based violence. In 2023 she published "Voorbij de Verbijstering" and "Femicide: Tot de dood ons scheidt'. She researched, wrote scripts and presented the webseries "Tessel in Cyberspace", which revolves around issues of algorithms and identity. In this four-episode series, Tessel interviews online sex workers about the emancipatory potential of cyberspace for their work, talks to members of the LGBTQIA+ community about the role of the Internet in their 'coming out', interviews BLM activists about the performativity of virtue signaling, and finally discusses radicalization with fans of Andrew Tate and members of the so-called manosphere.