Minerva Ayon
May 2023

Minerva Ayón (Mexico City, June 18, 1985) graduated with honors from the Centro Morelense de las Artes (Cuernavaca, Mor.) with a degree in Visual Arts. She has a Master's degree in Visual Arts from UNAM (CDMX). She did a research stay at Concordia University, in the MFA in Sculpture in Montreal, QC, Canada (2013).

In 2021 her piece Solsticio de invierno received the award as Trayectoria consolidada in 4ta Bienal Arte Lumen, she has been a beneficiary of the PECDA of Morelos in the 2009 and 2011 editions, she obtained the Honorable Mention of the XXXIII Encuentro Nacional de Arte Joven (2013). In 2017 and 2016 she made two residencies in ceramics and sculpture at Women's Studio Workshop in NY. In 2015 in Val David, Canada, for the 20th Art-Nature Symposium.
