Lia Garcia (The Mermaid Bride)
January 20-February 2

Lia La Novia Sirena or La Mujer Espejo as many of us know her, has been throughout the years the incarnation of radical tenderness. Political, pedagogical action and narrative becoming created by her in 2012 in the context of Mexico, the territory where she was born and that at the same time represents a complexity for the corporealities that disobey the colonial norms of gender, sexuality and affections. Lia insists from love in the midst of horror. 

She detonates an intense pedagogy of love through her body and its echoes so that all of us who allow ourselves to be seduced by her skin and enter her sea can heal the wounds of the heart. 

Creator of the project "cucarachas literarias" (literary cockroaches), the first archive of Children's and Young Adult Literature aimed at LGBT children. She has been published by Sexto Piso publishing house in edition II of the TSUNAMI project, in Mc Sweeney's magazine and in the literary archive of the Instituto Hemisférico de Performance.