Lars Horn
January 20-February 2

Lars Horn's first book, VOICE OF THE FISH, won the 2020 Graywolf Award for Nonfiction, the 2023 Great Lakes Colleges Association New Writer's Award, and was named an Honor Book for the 2023 Stonewall Israel Fishman Nonfiction Book Award, as well as an American Booksellers Association Introducing Indies Selection . He has been part of the Tin House Without Borders Residency and has received fellowships from the Sewanee Writers' Conference, the Kenyon Writers Workshops , and from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. His writing has appeared in Granta, the Virginia Quarterly Review, the Kenyon Review, Poets & Writers, The Rumpus, Literary Hub, and other publications. He teaches at Columbia University.

https://www.larshorn.comLearn about the work done during the residency