Diana del Angel
January 20-February 2

Writer and human rights defender. PhD in Literature. Member of the Seminario de Investigación en Poesía Mexicana Contemporánea. Fellow of the Foundation for Mexican Letters from 2010 to 2012. She obtained artistic residencies from CALQ-FONCA, Montreal (2014), Fondo Ventura/ Almadía, Oaxaca (2017) and IWP (International Writing Program) Iowa (2021). She was part of the workshop "Poesía y silencio". He belonged to the CGH of the UNAM (1999-2000). For two years he lived in the squat Chanti Ollin. Vasija ( 2013), Procesos de la noche ( 2017), Barranca ( 2018), Lucrecias (2021), Épica de la semilla (Infolio, 2022), Lengua hierba ( Heredad, 2023), Periferia (2024).

Learn about the work done during the residency